What is 1ps in Verilog Timescale? Time Units, Resolution, & Examples

In Verilog, timescale plays a crucial role in defining the simulation time of digital circuits. The timescale governs the time units, resolution, and precision of the simulation. One common time unit used in Verilog is 1ps, which stands for 1 picosecond.

Time Units in Verilog:

Verilog provides flexibility in defining time units to simulate different types of digital systems accurately. Time units can range from picoseconds (ps) to milliseconds (ms) based on the application requirements. The smallest time unit, 1ps, allows precise modeling of fast circuits with nanosecond-level delays.

Resolution in Verilog:

Resolution defines the minimum time step that a Verilog simulator can handle during simulation. For example, with a timescale of 1ps, the resolution specifies that the simulator can calculate events with a granularity of 1ps. This level of granularity is essential for accurate modeling of high-speed communication protocols and complex logic circuits.


  • Consider a scenario where two events occur in a Verilog simulation: one event at 10ps and another at 15ps. With a 1ps timescale, the simulator accurately captures the sequence of events with a resolution of 1ps.
  • In a synchronous design with a clock period of 20ps, Verilog’s timescale of 1ps ensures that the simulator can precisely model the behavior of flip-flops, registers, and data paths with nanosecond-level timing.

Understanding the significance of 1ps in Verilog timescale is crucial for developing accurate and reliable digital designs. By mastering time units, resolution, and examples, Verilog developers can enhance the precision and efficiency of their simulations.